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Hello, my name is Candice, and I am a Writer. Though it took years to feel confident enough to share my work, I now know that the only way to hone your craft is to own your craft. Creative writing takes practice, dedication, and constructive feedback. On this blog, I will post what comes to me. It may be a review of another writer's work, film, or TV show. It could be a posting of a rejection from a submission I felt good enough about to share. I might even post a random rambling blog of nonsense to keep my daily word count goal. When I need a burst of inspiration, I may even share a recipe or photos of a candlemaking project. I read and ramble.

This is a blog designed to be both a portfolio and a practice studio, but it's not just for me! It is a shared space for others who want to find inspiration in a new book, film, food, or sound. For other writers who wonder what publishers would be the best option for their unique writing style. For introverted creatives who feel like a misfit toy. I share my thoughts on the lighter sides of life to ease my social anxiety and spark a little joy in the world. Though I primarily write narrative fiction and poetry, on occasion I'll indulge in social commentary. And if COVID-19 Social Distancing has taught me anything, it's that I can only use my husband as an audience for so long before he gets that glazed-over look in his eyes. I know he just adores to poop outta me, but a person can only tolerate so much blabbing in one day. I have been blessed with the gift of gab for all things creative and an appreciation for even the meaningless meanderings of daily life from crafts and Chicken & Waffles to film and literature. 


Sharing is caring, and we have all, at some point, depended on the kindness of strangers to survive. I hope to be a part of the magic that this type of kindness produces. 


If you are interested in contacting me for Ghostwriting or Creative Consultation Services, please drop me a line below or find me on my other sites. Have a peek at my Portfolio & Samples page (coming soon)




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